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Commands for communication:
/post - Posts global message (Public)
@ - Send Guild message
@@ - Send a message to the alliance
@> - Guild Notice (Guild Master function)
~ - Send a Party message
# - Your message will be displayed for 35 seconds

Commands for points:
 - Adds strength points (example. /addstr 123)
/addagi - Adds agility points (example. /addagi 123)
/addvit - Adds vitality points (example. /addvit 123)
/addene - Adds energy points (example. /addene 123)
/addcmd - Adds command points (example. /addcmd 123)

3D Camera:
 - camera on/off
f7 - return to the default settings
f8 - hide ui
hold shift + mouse wheel - turning the wheel: zoom in/out
hold shift + right button - hold the mouse right button: rotate the camera
after you set the camera as you like, press f6 one more time, to save your settings.

Others commands:
/ware 1-4 - additional warehouse page
/trade - Initiate Trade
/offtrade - creating offline store
/dcf <nickname> <password>  / example: dcf Arturs qwerty - DC character from game
/offlevel - more information here
Commands for Party:
/party - Create a Party; invite people to the current party
/requests Toggles requests for deals, parties and trade on and off
Commands for PVP:
 /duel -  Challenges other players to a duel
/battlesoccer -  Challenges opposing guild to Battle Soccer
/guildwar -  Declare a guild duel
/pkclear - clear murder status. More here


Emotion commands:
/Hi /Hello /Welcome - Bow (greeting)
/; /Sorry - Head scratch
/^^ /Haha - Laugh
/-_- /Huh Cross arms
/Great - Raises both arms
/Bye - Wave
/Cold - Rubs arms
/Come - Hand gesture
/Cry - Crying
/Never /Not - “No” gesture
/Good/Nice/Wow - Clap
/Respect - Kneel
/Sir - Salute
/Victory/Win - Victory pose / kisses
/Sleep/Tired - Yawning
/Dance - Dance
/Hustle - Hustle
/Rush - Lead your hand forward

/2 /gpost Selling 2kkk zen
/3 /Sorry
then to use  alt+1  or which other number

Anti-lag system which was developed for purpose of reducing special effects and other resource-heavy features while playing events where performance matters.

[shift + 1]: hide wings  ซ่อนปีก 
[shift + 2]: reduce skill effect : ลดเอฟเฟกต์ทักษะ 
[shift + 3]: reduce item effect : ลดเอฟเฟกต์ไอเท็ม
[shift + 4]: hide ground zen : ซ่อนเซนที่ตก
[shift + 5]: hide ground item : ซ่อนไอเท็มที่พื้น
[shift + 6]: hide muun pet : ซ่อนสัตว์เลี้ยง muun 
[shift + 7]: hide chars and shadows : ซ่อนตัวอักษรและเงา
[shift + 8]: hide skill effect : ซ่อนเอฟเฟกต์ทักษะ
[shift + 9]: reduce item shine to +0 : ลดความเงางามของรายการเป็น +0

Difference between default settings and settings with the anti-lag plugin


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